Home/Outdoor Full-body workout B

Home/Outdoor Full-body workout B

Exercises, Habits, Personal Training
Resistance band and bodyweight exercises can be very useful in maintaining your fitness especially during this period where gyms are closed. Here are some examples/suggestions on how you can mix and match your workout, but feel free to follow accordingly too. The program can be found at the end, so do scroll down for more info. Instructions: 1. Pick a resistance that you could manage with proper form 2. Always make sure the object you secure the bands to is stable and strong 3. Always perform each exercise in a controlled manner   Sample Program Exercise Sets Reps Band deadlift 3 15 Band bend over row 3 15 - - - Band Lat pull down 3 15 Step up 3 20 - - - Band single arm lats pull down…
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Home/Outdoor Full-body workout A

Home/Outdoor Full-body workout A

Exercises, Habits, Personal Training
Resistance band and bodyweight exercises can be very useful in maintaining your fitness especially during this period where gyms are closed. Here are some examples/suggestions on how you can mix and match your workout, but feel free to follow accordingly too. The program can be found at the end, so do scroll down for more info. Instructions: 1. Pick a resistance that you could manage with proper form 2. Always make sure the object you secure the bands to is stable and strong 3. Always perform each exercise in a controlled manner (Legs, Shoulder, Lats, Core) Sample program Exercise Sets Reps Band Rows(Neutral) 3 15 Squats 3 20 - - - Band Single arm row 3 15 Lunges 3 20 - - - Band Rows(palm face up) 3 15 Step…
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Stress and Recovery

Stress and Recovery

Habits, Personal Training
What is Stress? Stress is a response designed to get our attention, manage a threat, deal with any damage(injury) and return the body back its own baseline. For example, when we exercise, we break into a sweat and feel thirsty. These are stress responses - your body is trying to regulate its own core temperature (manage threat), and feeling thirsty (getting your attention to drink more water) helps your body return to normal function. There are many other factors contributing to stress, such as physical, mental, emotional, existential, social and environmental stress, but I will just be focusing on the physical (exercise) stress for now. [caption id="attachment_546" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash[/caption] Stress and Recovery should be linked in exercise planning When we respond, recover and adapt well, stress make us…
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Why You Should Hire a Trainer

Why You Should Hire a Trainer

Personal Training
[caption id="attachment_364" align="aligncenter" width="640"] You've got a friend in me[/caption] Have you ever said to yourself: I'm not making any progress I'm not going to the gym enough I'm not pushing myself hard enough And it always ends with this: I should probably hire a trainer. You start to question yourself. Do I really need to spend money on a trainer if I can do it myself? Maybe I should hire an online coach instead? Maybe a training partner/crew will work just as well? A personal trainer would improve your life by leaps and bounds. And here's how. This post was inspired by The Key for Progress: Recognizing and Overcoming Laziness. Head over if you'd like to read detailed research findings and facts. We Are All Lazy And it's not your…
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