3 Simple Desk Exercises

3 Simple Desk Exercises

Exercises, neck pain
Here are a few simple desk exercises that you can perform at work or at home! Upper Traps (Neck/Upper Back) The upper traps muscle may get tight due to stress or bad posture (the elevation of the shoulder associated with bad workplace ergonomics). Start by doing this simple exercise: Sit on your right palm to create an anchor point. Tilt your head towards your left shoulder. If you need more resistance use your left hand to pull your head towards your left shoulder. Breathe deeply into the belly through your nose and breathe out from the mouth. Feel your trap muscle relax. Hold for 30secs to 1min. *** Please do not hold your breath. *** Front of Neck We often feel like the back of our neck is "strained or…
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6 Easy Stretches To Try

6 Easy Stretches To Try

Tired of sitting for hours in the office? Go outdoors, catch some fresh air and don't forget to stretch while you clear your mind. 1. Calves stretch Find a wall or railing Bring your right foot to the back and bend the left knee forwards You should be able to feel a stretch in the right lower part of the leg towards the ankle Breathe in and out fully and feel the muscle relax for 30 secs to 1min. [caption id="attachment_283" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Calves Stretch[/caption] 2. Stretching the quads (front of the thigh) This can be beneficial for people who sit a lot daily. Tight quads can cause lower back pain. Find something stationary for balance purposes as your aim is to stretch not balance Lift your left feet with your…
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